Tuesday, October 14, 2014

Principles of educational management

Principles of educational management
A principle is a generally accepted truth, which is based on experience and the available information.
            Henri Foyal’s14 principles of management (1916) are given below.
a.       Division of work
b.      Parity of authority and responsibility
c.       Discipline
d.      Unity of command

e.       Unity of direction
f.       Subordination of individual interest to general interest
g.      Fair remuneration
h.      Centralisation and decentralisation
i.        Scalar chain of employees in ranks
j.        Order
k.      Equity
l.        Stability of tenure of personnel
m.    Initiate (eagerness to work)
n.      Esprit de corps (team spirit)
Generally the principles of educational management could be viewed on the following two aspects
1.      Principles based on democracy
a.       Principle of sharing responsibility
b.      Principle of freedom
c.       Principle of co-operation
d.      Principle of justice
e.       Principle of recognition of individual worth
f.       Principle of leadership
g.      Principle of democracy
h.      Principle of research
i.        Principle of flexibility
j.        Principle of dynamism
k.      Principle of participation
2.      Principle based on management
a.       Planning
b.      Execution
c.       Evaluation
General principle of educational management
According to Albert Ozigi, the general principles of educational management are;
1.      Goal oriented: educational management is concerned with the aims and objectives of the school.
2.      Leadership: Educational management is concerned with the leadership responsibilities of the principal or headmaster.
3.      Definite structure/ functions: Educational management is concerned with the definite roles of teachers, students and non-teaching staff.
4.      Personnel policies: educational management concerned with staff-selection policies and staff promotion, development, welfare and pension schemes.
5.      Co-ordination : Educational management is concerned with the co-ordination of all the activities in the school so that works should go on smoothly and efficiently without delay or conflict.
6.      Security: educational management is concerned with personal conduct and staff morale of teachers in discharging their duties without any fear or insecurity.
7.      Stability and flexibility: Educational management is concerned with the stability as well as the flexibility of school policies and programmes. Sound policies are made stable and old policies are reviewed.
8.      Co-operation: Educational management is concerned with the establishment and maintaining of co-operation among the principal, his deputy, departmental heads and teachers.
9.      Planning and Decision-making: Educational management is concerned with the short and long-term plans for the school.

10.  Evaluation: Educational management is concerned with the periodical evaluations of school programmes and policies. 

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