Friday, October 10, 2014


Educational management
Management is universal in the modern industrial world. Every individual organisation requires the making of decisions, the co-ordination of activities, the handling of people, and the evaluation of performances directed towards group activities. Numerous managerial activities have their own particular approach to specific types of problems and are discussed under such headings as farm management, hospital management, production management, and others. All have elements in common.

            Experts agree that management is a district type of activity different from all other types of human activities and al true managers in any field of human efforts perform the typical managerial functions irrespective of what they are managing. In other words, managerial functions have universal application.
            “Management is management of people, not things. It emphasises personal management”
-          James
“Management is the art and science of organising and directing human efforts applied to control the forces and utilise the materials of nature for the benefit of man”.
-American Society of Mechanical Engineers
“Management is an activity involving responsibility for getting things done through other people”.                                                           - Cuthbert Ross
“Management is the art of knowing exactly what you want to do and seeing that they do it in the best and cheapest way”.                                                - F.W. Taylor
Educational management
            The origin of the concept of educational management as a field of study may be traced back to the 1880’s with the publication of the “practical handbook of school management by authored by Harding (1872).
            The development of educational management as a field of study began in the United States in the early part of the 20th century. In the UK, the concept of educational management found its place in educational literature in the 1960’s.
            Educational management is a field of study and practice with the operation of educational organisations. There is no single, generally accepted definition of educational management because its development has drawn heavily on several more family established disciplines like economics, political science and sociology. In the words of Tony Bush (1986), “Most of the definitions of educational management which have been offered by writers are partial because they reflect the particular stance of the author. Those which attempt a broader approach are often bland.”
            Educational management has been defined in International Dictionary of Education (1978) by G.Terry, page and J.B.Thomas as, “Theory and practice of the organisation and administration is of existing educational establishments and system”.
            Educational management is concerned with spelling out the educational objectives, planning process, staffing pattern, organisational process, budgeting, financing, directing activities and evaluating performance.
            Educational management has been defined variously. Some important definitions explaining this concept are given below:
“Educational management is a distinct process consisting of planning, organising, actuating and controlling, performed to determine and accomplish state objectives by the use of human beings and other resources.                                     - George R, Terry

“The management process is concerned with helping the members of an organisation to attain individual as well as organisational objectives within the changing environment of the organisation.”                                                                 -Gray H.L

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