Tuesday, October 14, 2014

Objectives of educational management

Objectives of educational management
            Fundamentally the purpose of educational management is to enable the right pupils to receive the right education in the right way at the right time from the right teachers by bringing them together at a cost within the means of the state at a place specifically designed for the purpose of education. This objective can be achieved only when four categories of relationships within the school community, i.e. relations between organizers and teachers, relations between teachers and teachers, relations between pupils and pupils and relations between pupils and teachers are pleasant and constructive based on mutual goodwill and co-operation.

            The objectives of educational management may be seen from the point of the society, the students and their parents.
            Broadly speaking the objectives of school management from the point of view of society are;
1.      Consolidating the spiritual strength of the society.
2.      Maintaining the historic continuity of the society.
3.      Securing the past achievements of the society.
4.      Ensuring modernization of the society.
5.      Guaranteeing bright future of the society.
Objectives of the educational management from the point of view of the students and their parents are:
1.      To develop aesthetic sense.
2.      To refine cultural values.
3.      To cultivate appropriate ethical values.
4.      To sharpen intellect by training various faculties.
5.      To build strong physical strength.
6.      To train in spiritual values.
7.      To form suitable habits.
8.      To strengthen vocational efficiency.
9.      To develop values of democracy, socialism and secularism.
Education needs to be managed in an atmosphere of utmost intellectual rigour, seriousness of purpose and freedom essential for innovation and creativity. While far reaching changes will have to be incorporated in the quality and range of education, the process of introducing discipline into the system will have to be started, here and now, in what exists.
            The country has placed boundless trust in the educational system. The people have a right to expect concrete results. Therefore the management should try fulfil the following objectives.
1.      The school life should be organised in such a way that it can provide social life to the students so that they may learn to live together and develop outstanding characteristics of an ideal citizen.
2.      The allocation of resources such as finance, equipment and staff should be properly made. This allocation work is to be made on the basis of an agreement between the headmaster and the senior teachers of a school.
3.      Attempts should be made to make the school a community centre.
4.      Teachers and the students should be encouraged to take initiative in different school activities. They should also be allowed freedom.
5.      Co-curricular activities should be organised with a view to make the school a bee-hive of activities.
6.      While implementing some important policy matter, all the interested parties of the school should be duly consulted.
7.      Instructional strategies should be planned keeping in view the needs, interests and aspirations of the students.
8.      To get effective results in teaching learning activities, the human and material resources must be properly used.
9.      Students should be trained to develop scientific  attitude towards life and its problems.
10.  Students should be trained to develop a sense of ethical judgement and aesthetic appreciation based on right philosophy of life.
11.  Students should be provided with such education, which would help them in getting vocations according to their abilities and aptitudes.
12.  The headmaster should supervise the work of the teaching and non-teaching staff members and allot them work on the basis of their worth, interest and aptitude.
13.  The headmaster should maintain a cumulative record-card to study the progress of the students in academic and non-academic fields.
14.  There must be adequate provision of financial resources and the financial resources should be properly utilized by adequate budgeting process.
15.  There must be provision to discover the innate potentials of the students.
16.  In all fields of work, principles of democratic administration should be followed. Persons involved in school management should have freedom to work in all fields of life objectively, fairly and justly.
17.  Efforts must be made for efficient use of the school machinery.

18.  All the organisational agencies of the school should be inspired to work with a team spirit to achieve the fixed objectives.

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