Friday, November 8, 2013


In order to understand the meaning of guidance, it is to be accepted that the focal point of guidance is 'an individual, not his problem'. From this point of view, before starting guidance, the potentialities and abilities of the individual are studied.

Then that individual is made capable of solving his problems. This is known as an act of guidance. In this way, guidance is a process of all-round development.
Hence, we can say that the guidance is that process which makes an individual aware of those methods for knowing his natural powers.
Jones, Stefflre and Stewart have defined guidance as "the help giver, by one person to another in making choices and adjustments and in solving problems."
"Guidance is a continuous process of helping the individual to develop to the maximum of his capacity in the direction, most beneficial to himself and to society."
Guidance is not a direction. It is also not imposition of one's ideas on others. Guidance is not making decision for others. Decision should be made by an individual himself.
To carry over the burden of an individual is also not guidance. In such situations, to what we can call guidance? Keeping in view these ideas, the definition suggested by Crow and Crow bears very comprehensive meaning:
"Guidance is assistance made available by competent counselor to an individual of any age to help him direct his life, develop his own point of view, make his own decisions and carry his own burden."
In the context of dynamic interpersonal relationships, Carter V. Good has said in Dictionary of Education (1959), while defining guidance, "Guidance is a process of dynamic interpersonal relationships designed to influence the attitudes and subsequent behaviour of person."
Knapp has given the definition of guidance as "Learning about the individual student, helping to understand himself, effect changes in him and his environment which will help him to grow and develop as much as possible."
G.E. Smith, by considering the group of various services for helping an individual, has defined guidance as, "the process consists of a group of services to individuals to assist them in securing the knowledge and skills needed in making adequate choices, plans and interpretations essential to satisfactory in varieties of areas.
"Guidance is a help to the students in making the best possible adjustment to the situations in the educational institutions and in the home and at the same time facilitates the development of all aspects of the personality."
According to Skinner, "Guidance is a process of helping young persons learns to adjust to self, to others and to circumstances."
Meaning of guidance
            Guidance is a general term which means helping people to make wise choices and solve their educational, vocational and personal problems. It is a process by which the individuals are assisted in making adequate adjustments to life’s situations.
            It is an organised service which aims at helping the individuals understand themselves which means enabling them to know their abilities, aptitudes, interests, perceptions, needs, purposes, their assets and limitations.             Guidance is a process of helping every individual through his own efforts to discover and develop potentialities.
            Guidance helps an individual to find what he is i.e to find out abilities and potentialities.
In simple words, guidance means assistance given by an expert person to an individual to develop his personality and achieve proper direction in life. But, as crow and crow write, “Guidance is not direction. It is not the imposition of one’s point of view upon another. It is making decision for an individual which he should make for himself. It is not carrying the burden of another’s life. Rather, guidance is assistance made available by competent counsellors to an individual of any age to help him direct his own life, develop his own point of view, make his own decisions carry his own burden.
Definitions of guidance
            “Guidance is a process through which an individual or group of individuals are helped to make necessary adjustment to the environment inside or outside the school”.            - Proetor
            “Guidance is a process of helping every individual through his efforts, to discover and develop his potentialities for his personal happiness and social usefulness”.        -Ruth Strong
            “Guidance is a continuous process of helping the individual development to the maximum of his capacity in the direction most beneficial to himself and the society”.                                                                                                                                          -Stoops & Wahiquist
Aims of guidance
  • To understand himself. (To know about himself their strength and weakness, their abilities)
  •  To adjust himself with others and environment.
  • To develop the ability to make his own decisions.
  • To help the adolescent to develop their abilities and interests.
  • To provide information of educational opportunities.
  • To help the pupils in personal and social adjustment.
  • Guidance programme helps the school staff in solving various problems of the school and improving all the activities of the school.
  • Development of personal potentialities.
Nature of guidance
Helpful in preparing for future
            The process of guidance is helpful in preparing a person for his future. Hence a person can succeed in preparing himself  for future activities. In this way guidace is a well-wisher of an individual’s future.
Wide scope of guidance
            The scope of guidance is too wide. Any needy person can be guided. This can include the persons of different age, different interests, various characteristics and persons of different nature. Hence we cannot draw boundaries around the process of guidance.
Expert service
            Every men cannot provide guidance. It is the work of competent and expert persons like pschologists, counsellors etc. hence guidance is a skill involved process.
Guidance as a process
            It helps every individual to help himself to recognized and use his inner resources, to set goals, to make plans to work out his own problems of development.

Continuous process
            Guidance is needed right from early child good, adolescence, adulthood and even in old age. He needs guidance for solving problems to adjust in the family as well as in the society.
Helpful in adjustment
            Guidance is the process of helping a person in adjusting to himself to others and to his environment. It is a life long process one needs to adjust throughout his life. So he needs guidance.
Related with life
            The process of guidance is related to life. This guidance contributes formally or informally to life because life experiences both formal and informal occasions. A person gets informal guidance from his friends and relatives while formal guidance is sought from organised school guidance services and other organised services.
Individual assistance
            Guidance is accepted as individualised help. Through guidance as individual’s personal development is provided a direction and not to a group. Hence, it is a process of individualised assistance.
Principles of guidance
A slow process
            As it requires a considerable time to make suitable adjustments, the counsellor or the guidance worker needs time to understand the counselee. Who has a complex personality and who may be confronted with an intense problem?
A continuous process
            Individuals are beset with problems throughout their lives guidance is a continuous process. World is changing fast, new and altogether new problems come the the forefront and an individual requires guidance for the solution of these problems. However, as the individual gains maturity, he requires less assistance from his counsellor.
Development of the insight of an individual
            The counsellor should help the individual so that the latter may gains his own insights, accepts responsibility, develops the feelin of self-confidence and ultimately makes his own decisions.

Problems of guidance arise out of situations
            As the present problems have their roots in the past, the guidance worker is required to go into the past history of an individual who is in need of assistance. The guidance worker must be aware of the difference between symptoms and causes.
Guidance problems are interrelated
            The personality of an individual is a complex and integrated whole. He is not a disembodied mind, nor is he a body without a mind; he is a psychological organism in constant interaction with a complex array of environment forces. He responds to his environment as a ‘whole being’ Hence his, educational vocational and personal problems are interrelated.
Based on individual differences
            As the individuals differ in native capacity, ability and interest, guidance is required for every one separately.
Based on planning
            Adequate time is required for planning guidance activities during and after school hours.
Related to total development of the student
            As guidance is related to the total development, all round harmonious development is the basic aim of guidance.
Guidance services must be an integral part of the school organisation
            These should not be treated as an isolated work to be left to the counsellor alone. All or most of the members of the staff should take a keen interest and active part in assisting students to solve their problems. Guidance work shoud be closely integrated with the work done by others agencies engaged in child development work.
Needs of guidance
            The need of guidance is universal. The reasons for guidance need are given below.
Lack of guidance at home
In the past, home was an important agency of education that provided sufficient training in vocational efficiency. But this is not possible in modern families. Children do not get any moral and social training at home guidance is needed here.

Individual Differences
            No two humans beings have ever been found to be alike. Mass procedures, no matter how well-intentioned must fil to accomplish the objectives of education unless they are supplememted by adequate attention to the individual. There is need of individual guidance.
Total development of the students
            Intellectual development through the teaching of subject cannot lead to the total development of the students. Total development of the students requires that individual differences among students are accepted and understood, and all types of experiences are so organized in an institution as to contribute to their total development.
Vocational development
            Guidance services provided at the college and universities to help the students in the process of vocational development by making a possible form them to gain knowledge about themselves their abilities, interests and need and knowledge about the world of work.
Proper choice of careers
            The young students in colleges and universities must be informed about various available jobs and openings and the requirements, responsibilities and the nature of work involved in them so that they could measure themselves up to them and develop and crystallize their occupational goal. They must be prepared for an entry into them to have a fulfilling and rewarding career.
Scope of guidance
The following are some of the scope of guidance
  • Educational guidance
  • Vocational guidance
  • Guidance in health and physical activities
  • Guidance in worthy use of leisure time
  • Guidance in character building activities
  • Guidance for home relationship
  • Personal guidance
Types of guidance
Educational guidance
It is primairely concerned with the problems related to courses, curriculum and study.
            Educational guidance is concerned with helping the individual to plan wisely his/her educational programme and to put him/herself in position to carry forward successfully that programme along lines that society considers wholesome both for itself and for him/her.
            Hence, it is a process of helping the individual to place him/herself continually in the most favourable setting or environment for his/her education.            
      The guidance provided by the teacher to students for their educational problems is known as educational guidance. It is based on student’s cumulative records.
  • In choosing the study subjects in the school.
  • In removing the specific difficulties of the students related to study.
  • In identifying the causes of their failure by using diagnostic tests in the study subject.
  •  In providing the remedial classes for the weak students.
Vocational guidance
            It is the process of assisting the individual to choose an occupation, prepare for it, enter upon and progress in it. It also aims at helping the students in the following areas;
Making students familiar with the world of work and its requirements.
To place at the disposal of the individual all possible aids in making a correct appraisal of his potentialities in relation to the job requirements.
Personal guidance
            This include social, emotional and leisure time guidance. It concerns with personal guidance which includes the problems of health, emotional adjustment, social adjustment etc.
            Purpose of personal guidance is to help the individual to help him in regard to his physical,emotional, social moral and spiritual development.
This type of guidance is provided for the personal problems of an individual or other than educational and vocational problems. These are various types mentioned below
  •  Family and home problems
  • Financial or economic problems
  • Emotional adjustment and anxiety
  • Social relationship of the individual and husband-wife relations problems
  • School and peers relation or classmates relations may be isolated in the class.
Relationship between guidance and counselling
            Counselling is the integral part of guidance. It is the heart of the guidance programme. The information service, the self-inventory service, the personal data collection service that precede it lead up it; the remaining services e.g. the preparation, the placement, follow-up and the research services stem from it.
            Counselling is that very small part of the guidance process in which the counsellor assists the counsellee to select his area of interest, or to solve the problem that confronts him. The problem is not solved by the counseller for the counsellee. He is simply helped in thinking through the problem himself and indeveloping plans and attitudes needed for solving it. It is a very small part of the total guidance programme, but it is a very important part.
Benefits of the guidance programme
Benefits to students
  • It helps the student to understand himself. This means it helps the student to recognize his aptitudes, abilities and limitations.
  • It helps the pupils get the most out of the school.
  • Guidance is further useful in promoting stability and self-direction among pupils and aids them in emotional and educational adjustment.
  • Guidance helps them to become acceptable to other children. Further, it increases satisfactory relationship with the opposite sex. It helps the pupils in developing better personal, social and emotional relationship.
  • The complexity of modern school curriculum necessitates careful choice and guidance services help the pupil in this direction.
  • Another outcome of guidance is encouraging and helping the students to correct undesirable study habits.
  • Guidance also helps pupils to make occupational choices which are individually satisfying and socially efficient.
  • Guidance also provides a situation in which a pupil can perceive in a friendly, permissive setting, assistance in understanding himself.
  • Guidance makes special provision for educating the the gifted, slow learners and physically handicapped.
Benefits to teachers
  • Guidance increases the teacher’s understanding of his student. The knowledge about the student’s physical condition, medical history, family background and achievement records help teacher to provide better instruction.
  • Teacher knows about the strength and weakness of his pupils. He can help in the prevention of problem behaviour on the part of students.
  • Guidance may also help the teacher by providing vocational and other pertinent information for his use.
  • Teacher gets in touch with parents through parent-teacher associations organised by guidance services. He can get much help for school projects from parents. 
Benefits to parents
  • The parents are provided a clear understanding of the child’s intelligence, abilities, interests and potentialities. Guidance helps the parents to understand and accept their children.
  •  Parents are provided with vocational information which facilitates the subjects for their children.
  • Guidance further helps improving home situations – if these interfere with student’s progress.
  •  Guidance helps parents and children. They understand themselves better. It improves parent-child relationships.
  • Another important outcome of guidance programme is that the relationships between the parents, school and community are improved.
  • Guidance programme may also help parents improve study habits of children.
Benefits to community
  • Community is constantly improved through constant effort of school because it feeds the society with better adjusted citizens. 
  • Guidance staff is in a position to show the community the degree to which the school contributes to the community. This is done through ‘follow up’ studies.
  •  In addition to the prevention of crime, guidance may serve to prevent problems which may lead to mental illness.
  • Through the efforts of guidance, the staff energy, money and other resources of the community are more efficiently used.
Benefits to the administration
  • As pointed out earlier, one way is which counsellor helps the school is at the time of admissions.
  • The guidance programme increases the over-all efficiency of the school programme by providing more information and contact between the school and employer, thus providing better jobs for is students.
Limitations of guidance programme
Guidance has some limitations.
  • Guidance hes been and still is limited by the lack of personnel facilities as well as time to provide many of the services expected of it.
  • We have overdone psychological test in guidance. The idea is oversold. It thus suffers from the limitations of psychological tests.

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