The headmaster
The headmaster is that major
component of school administration on whose ability and skill, personality and
professional competence will largely depend the tone and efficiency of the
school. ‘Schools are good or bad, in a healthy or unhealthy,
mental, moral and
physical condition, flourishing or perishing as the headmaster is capable,
energetic and of high ideas or reverse. Schools rise to the fame or sink to
obscurity as greater or lesser headmasters have charge of them.’ Everything in
the school, the plant, the staff, the curriculum, methods, and techniques of
teaching, co-curricular activities, human relationships bear the impress of the
personality of the institution. The school is as great as the headmaster is. It
is rightly said that the school becomes great nor because of the magnificent
building but because of the “magnificent” headmaster. Harrow, Eton, and Rugby
have been made famous by their great heads. In short, as is the headmaster so
is the school.
Importance of the headmaster
Major component
The headmaster is the major component
of school management. On his ability and skill, personality and professional
competence largely depend the tone and efficiency of the school. “schools are
good or bad, in a healthy or unhealthy mental moral and physical condition,
flourishing or perishing as the principal is capable, energetic and of high
ideals or the reverse. Schools rise to fame or sink to obscurity as greater or
lesser principals have charge of them.” Everything in the school, the plant,
the staff, the curriculum, methods and techniques of teaching. Co-curricular
activities, human relationships bear the impress of the personality of the
headmaster. The schools is as great as the headmaster. The schools become great
not because of the magnificent building but because of “magnificent”
headmaster. Harrow, Eton and Rugby have been made famous by their great heads.
In short, as is the headmaster so is the school.
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